Over the Salt

Mindful choices for healthy and low sodium cooking


Above the salt is a collaborative food and lifestyle blog focused on healthy cooking with savory herbs and spices, yet with very low salt. It was started by sisters who live in Sydney and Seattle, and who love to collaborate on recipes and designs. Colleen, in Sydney, is a chef and designer. Ria, in Seattle, is a designer who loves to cook. Together, we hope to share recipes and thoughts about making delicious food.

Along the way, we will be joined by friends who are passionate about exploring recipes.

Everything on this web site is copyright protected by the person who has their name on it, and by the blog. Please make the recipes, comment on them, and enjoy. However, link to posts, rather than reposting them on your own site. That way everyone’s pages grow. Just include a short intro, and then the link to the post.

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